Monday, December 1, 2008

Your Never too Old for a First

I was reminded of this fact when I was talking to my Grandparents in New Orleans this weekend. No matter how old you are, you are never too old for a first. This year is the first time that they celebrated Thanksgiving at their home, and they have lived their for 56 years. Until now they have always gone someplace else, either to one of their parents when my father (not Dad, but my biological father)and aunts where young, or to my aunts (eldest daughter) when she got married and moved out of state. When my sister and I were little we use to go with them and spend Thanksgiving with that side of the family. We use to have a blast, it would be my grandparents, all of their children (5 total when you count spouses), and their 4 grandchildren. It is just a wonderful holiday memory. Now my cousin host the Thanksgiving bash most years with his wife and two children. Last year I got to spend the holiday with them, and it brought back all of the fun we had a kids and now we get to experience it with their kids. (Last year I was still in Florida and couldn't afford to get to Georgia, but my cousin lives Pace, FL and so I drove up. He is in the Air Force and does Flight Training at the base close by.)

I also got to experience my own first today. For the first time in my life I got to see snow fall. It didn't stick at all, but we had at least two small snow showers (they only lasted about 5 minutes) today and I got to watch it fall. It was so pretty, especially since it was so small we didn't have to worry about it making a mess (the rain had already taken care of that anyway).


Laura ~Peach~ said...

aren't firsts FUN!

kimmy said...


If I could, I would send it ALL your way :)


Ness said...

You're never too old for firsts and I still have a few in my life to do. Glad you had a good time with your family. I love snow!